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M:USE Update, 1.01 release out

2014.11.22 00:01

admin Views:755672

M:USE has been updated today to V.1.01

Please download new firmware file at the following. (Do NOT unzip the file)

Please prepare your M with enough battery and please do not charge while you update.

This update includes the following features;

1. Boot loader improvement: Turn-on while charging is improved.
2. Time-Domain, Minimum phase digital filter applied.
3. Improvement of sound at low volume level.
4. Improvement of gap-less function.
5. Fade-in disabled when the very first music is replayed.
6. Improvement of response of volume level and control.
7. More volume for DSD files.
8. Lower  2nd and 3rd harmonic distortions.

Note:  a.  There is a bit pop when you replay the very first music after booting/stand-by mode. This is normal but we are seeking for improving this.

         b.  There would be a tiny pop in case you jump a file to another file (between DSD files, or PCM and DSD files) using  forward/backward key.

This update is almost 1.9 though the number is 1.01..

Happy Listening.

From Calyx Team